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This anonymous research aims to evaluate the usability of the Virtual Magnifying Glass and provide information to improve it. The results may be published as scientific articles and will be public available latter on this website as well. |
1 - In which operating systems do you use the magnifier? |
Windows 95, 98 or Me |
Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 or Vista |
Linux |
FreeBSD or other *BSD |
Mac OS X |
Other |
2 - Is the magnifier easy to use? Please explain easy and difficult things about it's use. |
3 - Did the use of the magnifier led to a greater use of the computer by you? |
No |
Yes, now I use the computer about 25% more often |
Yes, now I use the computer about 50% more often |
Yes, now I use the computer about 75% more often |
Yes, now I use the computer 100% more often or more |
4 - Did the use of the magnifier led to to an increate in the frequ�ncy in which you use the internet? |
No |
Yes, now I use the internet about 25% more often |
Yes, now I use the internet about 50% more often |
Yes, now I use the internet about 75% more often |
Yes, now I use the internet 100% more often or more |
5 - What additional benefits did the magnifier provide to you? |
6 - Is the quality of the enlarged image good? |
Yes |
No |
7 - Are the terms utilized in the configuration menu easy to understand? |
Yes |
No |
8 - Did you find the configuration menu of the glass? |
Yes |
No |
9 - Please leave your comments, critics and sugestions: |
10 - What is the degree of your visual impairment (in the better eye for distance with best possible correction)? |
I'm not visually impaired |
Moderate (20/80 to 20/150) |
Severe (20/200 to 20/400) |
Profund (20/500 to 20/1000) |
Near-blindness (20/1200 to 20/2500) |
11 - Did you download the magnifier to distribute it for others? |
Yes |
No |
12 - Did you download the magnifier for your personal use? |
Yes |
No |
13 - What is your profession? |
14 - What is your educational level? |
Middle school or earlier |
High School |
College undergraduate |
College graduate |
College postgraduate |
Other |
15 - User identification: |
Age: |
Country: |
State: |
City: |